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How to choose the ideal ergonomic office chair

ergonomic office chair

An average working day lasts between seven and eight hours. Therefore, one of the necessary pieces of equipment for an ergonomic workspace is the office chair.

Through the development of a variety of ergonomic office chair options in recent years, ergonomic research has enabled teams to work more comfortably and sustain their health.

The ergonomic sit-stand seat and the ergonomic sit-knee seat are two broad families of seats included in this offering.

Why should you convert to an ergonomic desk chair?

The ergonomic chair has shown its worth in both workplaces and workshops. By significantly reducing back problems, it has a good impact on the teams’ health.

The main benefit of an ergonomic chair over a traditional office chair with armrests and castors is that it allows for a wider range of motion, more points of support for the body, and less strain on the lower back, which helps to maintain the tone of the body’s muscles.

The ergonomic office chair also increases worker productivity by enabling them to adopt a posture better suited to their regular responsibilities, so minimising work interruptions due to low back pain, herniated discs, or even sciatica.

Depending on the purpose, there are two alternative techniques to choosing an ergonomic office chair.

The ergonomic sit-to-knee chair and the ergonomic sit-to-stand chair serve slightly different purposes.

Comfortable sit-stand chair

The secret to these modern seats is a higher seat, which provides a more natural posture for the back by encouraging proper spinal curvature and evenly spreading the strain when handling objects.

This is meant to provide a middle ground between standing and sitting. A really remarkable formula that all users agree upon.

All of our sit-stand chair models are height-adjustable and work with different types of desks.

A comfortable kneeling seat

This technique, which originates from the Nordic nations, moves the body a little bit forward to reduce the curvature that a traditional office chair’s back imposes.

The seat provides the same amount of support for the body as the thighs and knees while allowing for more movement.

These seats have a number of benefits:

  • It more evenly distributes weight between the knees and thighs;
  • He aligns his spine;
  • It eases lower back pain;
  • It raises muscular tone.

Contrary to popular belief, a kneeling seat can serve as a person’s office chair for an entire day of work. It enables the user to switch up their postures throughout the day while still protecting their lower back. In the end, productivity (and thus concentration) improve.

Which seating position is more ergonomicsit-stand or sit-kneel?

The position and duties done will determine whether the two solutions are suitable for the same applications even if they have similar advantages.

People who work jobs that need frequent standing up should use an ergonomic sit-stand chair. The shoulders and back can move very freely with this solution.

Therefore, it will be recommended to increase comfort on a manufacturing line or to outfit a workshop, a company, or a public area.

Because of its optimal height for working at a desk, the ergonomic kneeling chair is more suited to replacing a traditional office chair in a more sedentary position. It provides more comfort while engaging all of the back and leg muscles.

Which ergonomic office chair model should you pick?

Naturally, the cost affects the ergonomic seat option. Then to the use! Discover a large selection of ergonomic office chairs for all needs and price ranges when you visit our ergonomics store.

In actuality, having the essential tools doesn’t have to cost a lot of money: Manutan thus offers entry-level ergonomic office chairs that will improve your teams’ postures and general health at work. Among our choices, you may also discover more complex models.

The differences are then caused by the coatings, the scope for customization, and the choices. Some kneeling chairs with an ergonomic design have swaying feet, much like a rocking chair.

This choice is not a device; rather, by granting more freedom, it encourages the day’s mild usage of muscles and enables you to concentrate on a task at hand without putting undue strain on your joints.

The adjustability and kind of materials used for the base (aluminum, plastic, steel, etc.) and the seat (polyurethane, foam, fabric, mesh, etc.) in the ergonomic sit-stand chair also have an impact on the cost.

Lastly, don’t forget to look! Your bedroom gaming room chair must complement the interior decor of the space in terms of style and color. Manutan provides a range of models, from traditional black to more vibrant options.

The office chair is only one aspect of workplace ergonomics!

The selection of workstation accessories is crucial for both physical and emotional health. Consider ergonomic accessories that might increase your employees’ comfort and productivity in addition to the office chair.

The company’s CSR approach includes attempts to enhance working conditions as well as gender equality, ethical purchasing, and minimizing the negative environmental effects of its operations.

What distinguishes an ergonomic seat from an ergonomic stool?

Designed to support your back and spine, ergonomic chairs are comfortable to sit in. They aid in posture improvement as well. Back discomfort and other health issues may become less likely as a result of this.

The advantages of ergonomic stools are identical to those of ergonomic seats, although they are shorter in height. They are therefore perfect for usage in a range of locations, including a kitchen or bar.

Make sure the ergonomic stool you choose has the qualities you require.


It’s crucial to take your demands into account while selecting an ergonomic desk chair or stool. Ensure that the chair is cozy and offers strong back support.

Additionally, you should check for features like lumbar support, arm support, and height adjustment.

You may be certain to get a model that completely meets your demands by selecting an ergonomic chair or stool that has all the necessary features.

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